Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercy Center Belize, C.A. Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercy Center
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercy Center Belize
In this place, I will show and give forth all my love, companssion and hlep


Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercy Center is a non profit Spiritual Life Center which is sponsored by Sisters of Mercy, Belize.

We have been fully committed to: providing opportunities for holistic development; assisting individuals to become aware of themselves, God, and others; fostering and developing lay leadership in the Church of Belize; addressing justice issues pertinent to society; and addressing the needs of the economically poor. We strive to do so through our retreats and programs and the tranquility of our extended facilities.

"This is a ministry that speaks to the wholeness of persons and goes beyond externals to the heart, the deep center of the human person. This ministry is about healing our wounds so that the heart may again become the "heart of flesh" of which Yahweh speaks. It calls forth the giftedness of each person in order to enrich humanity. A humanity so loved by God and over which God spoke the Word of Fullness, Jesus." (Sister Sarita Vasquez, RSM, Co Founder OLGMC)

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercy Center Belize C.A.Our administrative staff consist of religious and lay persons. Our partners are individuals and groups in Belize and abroad who share in the ministry with much needed and appreciated time, prayers, and financial assistance through donations, grants, and expertise. Over 1600 persons participated in the Center's offerings during the past year.

We welcome you to OLGMC.

Program Team: Celia Usher, Molly Marin, Sr. Sarita Vasquez, RSM, Stanley and Maureen Ermeav, Vincent and Loretta Palacio, Marybeth Maestre.

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